Our Carbon Offsetting Plans

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gas that is released into the atmosphere, and if too much of it is produced, it can give rise to phenomena that cause serious damage to our planet. In recent decades, an excessive amount of carbon dioxide has contributed to climate change, causing a number of environmental disasters as a result.

It is therefore our duty to try to control CO2 emissions, by cutting consumption and/or producing energy in a sustainable way, without resorting to fossil fuels.

How do we offset the CO2 that we release into the air?

We are aware that, through our actions, we are contributing to CO2 air pollution. For every parcel that is shipped and for every journey we make, we are releasing carbon into the air.

For this reason, we have recently launched a service that calculates the distance in kilometres for each order and the amount of carbon produced due to the delivery. This can be offset by paying a fee.

A financial contribution that will enable us to finance the Jarí Para Forest Conservation project, dedicated to the Amazon rainforest, which covers about 496,988 hectares of tropical forest in Brazil, a large area that is home to over 2,400 species of flora and fauna.

Protecting existing forests, as well as planting new trees, is essential, because they absorb 30% of CO2 emissions every year, even though they are gradually losing their absorption capacity, due to drought and rising temperatures.

Carbon offsets are definitely not the ultimate solution to the problem, but at the moment, they are a useful way of reducing the overall amount of carbon emitted into the air. This is our contribution.

What are you waiting for? If you shop on our store you can contribute too